


This was the opening night concert for K-Music 2018 festival, produced by the Korean Cultural Centre and Serious. We were tasked to capture the performance by Ssingssing in the Purcell Room at the Southbank Centre and create two videos – Audience reactions and highlights of the event including an artist interview. Both videos had to be delivered on the same week of the performance.

SsingSsing have been making waves across the globe, bringing glam rock and funk elements together with a charismatic theatrical twist that takes inspiration from shamanic tradition. In the words of vocalist Heemoon Lee ‘in Korean traditional art, male shamans, called baksu, have the body of a male. But as mediums, they need more than a single sexual identity, because they’re channeling both male and female spirits. When I act a female character and sing, I have to overcome the fact of my being a male sorikkun (singer), and try my utmost to bring a more neutral, unisex feeling to the performance’


The artist Lee Hee-moon was interviewed. Questions and answers were asked in Korean and translated for the edit. A two camera set up was used to film the event followed by questions to audience members about their thoughts of the sold-out show. A series of photographs were also captured and previously a trailer for the event had been created using preexisting footage.


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